Cynthia J. Giachino
Lilly was born into a loving family in the rural Midwest. After giving birth to a son, she found herself amid two parallel worlds: one filled with terror, the other with secrets. Soon, she is imprisoned by her throat-grabbing fear. Is she strong enough to survive this battlefield and kill the demons of her memory?
Liberating Yourself from the Tight Chains of the Past
Photo by Aida L on Unsplash The past holds us captive, binding us with chains of regret, pain, and trauma. T...
Novels About Fear Focus on Children With Kids Overcoming It
Photo by cottonbro studio Many novels about fear focus on children, which is sad because of how much abuse some of th...
How Does a Toxic Family Affect an Individual Growing Up?
Photo by RDNE Stock project How a toxic family affects an individual? Growing up in a toxic family can profoundly imp...
How a Toxic Family Operates: There’s No Place Like Home
Photo by Two Dreamers In the story of Quiet Fear, readers are initially led to believe that Lilly’s l...
Start Afresh: Moving on From the Past
Photo by Hailey Kean on Unsplash They say nobody truly succeeds without acknowledging the past, but what if that past...
Quiet. Fear.: A Dark Look at the Heart of Humanity
Photo by Marcelo Jaboo Quiet Fear.: The Autobiographical Novel by Cynthia J. Giachino is a raw look at the horro...